I see the way my mind from the moment of learning up to now, I see other people's work, especially those who are both learning, I compared the painting with others, in this case about painting the human face..there are some mistakes that are often made ​​between other

* distance
* comparison
* and courage
* error distance is usually the right eye and left eye with my language too far or "distance" and for beginners it's probably difficult to realize. now we see paintings by us .. if the distance is the distance or not?
* error that one eye is usually correct place but the other eye slightly to the side, but if at first glance it is correct but we still feel there is a feeling that that's odd ... nah .. I found this error because when studying pictures ... this is hard to realize
* error is usually the nose is too long ... this is no less deceptive according to my personal experience
2) comparison ... I used to compare the eye to the center, the magnitude of the eye to guide later ..
* error usually is too small eyes
3) courage
The point is the courage to make the strong lines and lines that are thick or thin hatching hatching that is not shaded
* shading error usually when we hesitate and think "can be bold or shaded back later .."
Specifically in this case there is a difference between the painter and the painter cew cow (of course the longer study) in my hand shading cew open it but hesitated because he cew then .. call it a kind of supple character, is not innate .. ie lack of energy or LESS eNERGY whereas in certain shading or a particular line requires using force if you want maximum results
for example
* block of black hair
* make the pupil
* create a black background
* reinforce some facial lines, some of the edge of the object, etc.
Try to ask ourselves "what I've been able to distinguish who pressed hard and the only light it?.......”
Take a positive course of the positive course of this article .. I mean I wrote this just wanted to share. we can complement each other and understand each other ..


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